
Dimensions Indefinitely Variable: Suijianguo 1974-2024


The Opening of ’Dimensions Indefinitely Variable: Suijianguo 1974-2024‘ at TAG!


On 28th September, the 50-year retrospective exhibition of renowned sculptor Sui Jianguo, ‘Dimensions Indefinitely Variable: Suijianguo 1974-2024’, was opened at the TAG Art Museum!

TAG Art Museum, which focuses on contemporary art, is rooted in the local cultural environment of Qingdao and has paid attention to the local context since its opening. This exhibition is the first of its kind to focus on Qingdao-based artists, and it is the first time that the museum's entire hall has been used for a solo exhibition in honour of the artist and the city.

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”展览现场

As a retrospective of Sui Jianguo's fifty years of artistic career, this exhibition, in addition to sorting out and presenting the continuity and transitions of the artist's creations, the evolution and mutation of his artistic threads, and the sharpening and refining of his methodology and ideas, also attempts to restore the scene of the occurrence of art and thought through the collection, collation, and rearranging of a wealth of documents in the form of manuscripts, journals, sketches, sculptural sketches, mind maps, research handwritten notes, photographs, and physical objects, etc., which were collected from 1974, and understand these overlapping and diverging, circuitous and direct routes and their significance for today and the future. 

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,1号展厅“时间咒语/无常”展览现场

In Hall 1, two large-scale installations stand near the entrance and exit of the exhibition, one as a prelude and the other as an epilogue, revealing the flooding power of time in an echoing manner. This scene is also a metaphor for the artist's mission: to dialogue with time in a perishable body, and to inquire about eternity in the transient.

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,2号展厅“生命激情1987-1996”展览现场

Most of Sui Jianguo's early works are dark in tone, coarse in texture, and massive in size, giving them a sense of heaviness, as if the artist was attempting to respond to the heaviness of history in this way, and to infuse his own inner state into the form of sculpture, achieving a unique and authentic artistic identity.

In Earthly Force (1992-94), the interlocking and dense iron nets firmly bind the stones, which most completely expresses the inner struggle of Sui Jianguo during this period, where one witnesses the imprisoned passion, the energy of life displayed in struggle and confrontation, as well as the reckless power of nature.

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,3号展厅“中国制造 1997–2005”展览现场

All the works in Hall 3 are, like Sui Jianguo himself, ‘Made in China’. It begins with sculptures of dinosaurs of various sizes, colours and types - the latter taken from cheap plastic toys exported from China all over the world, with the words ‘Made in China’ engraved on their bellies.

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,3号展厅“中国制造 1997–2005”展览现场

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”展览现场

They reflect not only the artist's critical thinking about China's role as the world's factory, but also his internal reflection on the role of contemporary creators in a multicultural context. The last work in the series was created in 2008 in the outdoor space at the exit of the TAG Art Museum,a red container with the words ‘Made in China’ cut out, echoing the sea in the distance.

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,4号展厅“形塑时间 1992-2010”展览现场



“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,悬厅“具身之力 - 2008年至今”展览现场


“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,悬厅“具身之力 - 2008年至今”展览现场



“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,悬厅“具身之力 - 2008年至今”展览现场

这片将虚空之理念化做可见之形式,又将物质之实存化作数据之虚相的云,同五十年前,隋建国在初踏上艺术之路时追摩向往的山水精神遥相呼应。在展厅二楼,艺术家于50年前临摹的一幅石涛(1642-1707)山水,与《云山》比邻相望。画面上的题跋来自陶渊明(365-427)的诗句,仿佛超越时间投射入此刻:“遥遥望白云 怀古一何深。”

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”展览现场,6号展厅“跬步与徘徊:生命和艺术的历程 1974-2024”



“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,7号展厅“壶与镜 2024”展览现场



“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”,8号展厅“每个人都是自己生命形式的创造者”现场




在策展人林喬熙(Joe Martin Lin-Hill)看来,“正如无尽重复可以超越时间。隋建国作品中那些无限的变化和极度的丰富,超越了他自己掌纹和指纹的个别和具体性。他创造的雕塑原型和放大的作品不仅仅指向那个作为雕塑源头的‘虚空’,更是每个人内在创造潜能的象征,以及对我们共同人性的昭示。”

“跬步与徘徊:隋建国 1974-2024”展览现场


